Draft Horses

Draft Horse Breed - All That Power and Still A Gentle Heart

Draft horses have been used to work the fields and for the transportation of heavy goods, some of the first draft horses originate from the Ardennes region in Belgium, but since they have evolved and variations of draft horses can be found all around the globe, below we browse through some stunning draft horses that will make any horse lover swoon. Ardennes Draft Stallions - Gorgeous PowerhouseArdennes Draft Stallions - Gorgeous Powerhouse
The History Of The Shire Horse In AmericaThe History Of The Shire Horse In America

Jutland Draft Horse - Danish Heavy HorsesJutland Draft Horse - Danish Heavy Horses

Sztumski Heavy Draft Horse - Power and StrengthSztumski Heavy Draft Horse - Power and Strength

Draft Horse Breed - All That Power and Still A Gentle Heart